online marketing for small business

You need online marketing for small business to get your message on the internet.Online marketing for small business so your customers can find you.

When people start looking for your products or services, do they find you on the internet?  Get your marketing message online where your customers can see it.  Get more customers and referrals with online marketing for small business

Google Places:  Google created 50 million one-page websites for businesses.  Have your claimed your site?  Have you optimized your site?  Find out how to do it here.

Local Business Promotion:  When your customers search the internet for your products and services, do they find you or your competition?  Be visible to your customers when they are looking for you.

Video Marketing:  Video is one of the most effective means of communicating your message to your customers on the internet.  Many business owners think it costs thousands of dollars to make.  You will be surprised at how affordable it is and amazed at how effective it is.

Social Media:  The internet has now become very social.  Businesses are interacting with their customer base an a very regular basis.  The challenge is where should you allocate your resources?  Your best approach is an overall strategy that reaches your customers according to their online habits.  

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