Local small business market differentiation.

Small Business Market Differentiation

Regardless of how fast technology is changing the way you market your local business to your local customer base, you still need to properly develop a solid and strategic marketing plan.  Technology will never replace the need for a good marketing plan.  You need a small business market differentiation analysis

small business market differentiation is what makes your local small business stand out from your competition. What makes you different?

What is your marketing plan?  Can you answer these questions?

1.  Who is your ideal client?  What do they look like? Where do they live?  What is their income level or annual revenue? Have you outlined a detailed description of your ideal client or company?

2.   What are your most profitable products or services?

3.   Have you conducted an analysis on your strengths and weaknesses?  What opportunities exist for you and your business?  What threats can you see on the horizon that may be trouble for you or your business?

4.   Can you state three good reasons why your customer should buy from you over the competition?

Before you embark on any marketing campaign, you need to have a solid strategic plan.  Often you need to go back to basics to better understand the market you are trying to sell to and what is your differentiating factors.

With over 30 years of business development and marketing experience, we can identify you unique selling proposition, analyze your market and develop a concrete marketing plan for your company. 

Call us at 514-996-3357

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