Where are you now with
your local business?

Marketing your small business because
you need more customers.

John is worried about his business. If you need more customers the you need to market your business online. Is your marketing as effective as it used to be?

John has been operating a business locally for 15 years.  Marketing his business to the local community used to be straight forward.  He would place an ad in the Yellow Pages and another in the local papers.  This brought customers into his store and kept the phone ringing.

Lately things are not as busy.  John's investment in advertising for his local business is not producing the results it once did.  People are not using the Yellow Pages like they did 5 years ago.  It is also a well documented fact that newspaper readership is dropping every year. 

  • So where have John's customers gone?
  • Do you need more customers 
  • Does this scenario sound familiar? 

Jane just recently started her consulting business. She has lots of competition in the consulting field she works in. Many of her competitors have been around for several years and are well Jane is expanding her local business. Does she need more customers.established. 

Somehow, Jane has no problem finding clients. She has established herself in her market in a very short period of time. In fact she is bringing on a couple of new associates with her to supply the demand for her services.


What is Jane doing that works so well?
What is Jane's strategy?
What is your strategy?

You can increase the return on your marketing spend.
You need to know where your customers are and how to reach them.
You need a strategy to effectively market your local business online.

Today you have more choices than ever before to reach your customers.  The internet provides a host of options to get your message in front of your client through:

We are only scratching the surface. What is important is to select a strategy that fits your needs and reaches your clients where ever they frequent the internet and on their terms. You can choose from the local business marketing packages available or you can customize your program by calling:


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