Make your next winning sales presentation to get you that next contract.
Building your business or advancing your career starts with no one else but
you. Every time you speak in front of potential clients, colleagues,
superiors, your boss, your teacher, professor or your customers, what you say and how you say it and your
overall presentation, will either work in your favour or go against you. A
winning presentation is a message that is clear, concise and is delivered
with passion so that it is memorable; is critical for survival in today’s business.
Impact™ is a new and unique 4-step approach to winning
sales presentations. While it is customary to invest in R&D, product development, marketing and
recruiting the right people, little is invested to develop the presentation skills that wins sales, sells
services, gets ideas noticed and acted upon. Whoever makes the presentation to the prospect, the customer,
the department or the management team, they are the ones who establish that critical first impression. Is
that first impression a good one?
Impact™ ensures that your message will always be clear, concise and memorable because it
guides you to develop your winning sales presentation from the right perspective – from the perspective of
your audience. Leave the best first impression
Impact™ will guide you through a 4-step approach which includes:
Initial planning step where you will ask the
right questions to start your presentation on the right foot and keep you
Script preparation is the second step where
you develop your message in the form of a story. Stories are a
great way to get your message to stick and be memorable.
The third step involves the preparation of
the support materials so that it supports your message and keeps you as the main focal
Delivery is the final step.
Transform your fear of speaking into enthusiasm. How you
say your message and what your message is must be harmonious to be credible and
You will
deliver a compelling presentation each and every time you speak. Your audience will
understand your message and what they should do with this information and what they should do
How does
presentation- Impact™ do this?
One of the secrets involves a truth that is often difficult for presenters to
understand. Your presentation is not about you because your audience does not
care about you, your product, your service or your company. Your audience
cares only about their problems and their issues. Your presentation needs to
be about THEM!
Impact™ makes sure your presentation is about them by guiding you to ask the right questions
so you know your audience. It clarifies your
message by boiling it down to a simple statement. You will write a story script for your presentation with
the added twist being your audience will be the main character of your story. It will guide you to choose the right methods to deliver
your message effectively. Finally you will
deliver your message with passion and enthusiasm through proper effective
Who would benefit from this
CEO’s who have to communicate to their board
of directors, shareholders or investors.
C-level managers who need to lead their
company or their department by communicating with their employees.
Sales and business development people who
have to communicate to their customers and prospects.
Trainers who have the responsibility of
instructing their customers or their own company employees.
Entrepreneurs who need to communicate their
new idea, product or service to the world.
Students who need to present that term paper
or post graduates who need to defend their thesis.
Scientists and specialists who have to
present technical concepts at a symposium.
If you need to sharpen your sales presentation or you are
planning on giving a seminar/webinar to your customers to build your credibility, then