small business Online Markteing Strategies

Small Business Online Marketing Strategies for You 

You online marketing strategies need to have 3 purposes:Develop your small business online marketing strategies in detail.

1. Get Found: When your customers are looking for your products and services on the internet, do they find you?  Is your marketing message for your local business found in the key places where your target customer base is?  Do you rank well for search terms used by customers ready to buy your products and services?  Are you listed in key directories?  Do you blog, tweet or digg?  Are you on Facebook, LinkedIn, You Tube and Ezine Articles?  Do you need to be there in the first place?  Is your marketing content optimized for search engines?

2. Get Known: People buy from people or companies they trust.  Do they trust you?  Do they remember your name, brand or what differentiates you from your competition?  Can people get to know you easily so they can like you and trust you?

3. Get Clients: Are you easily accessible?  Does your marketing message have a clear call to action?  Does your message resonate with your customer?  Do you answer your customer's question?  Do you have a clear solution to your customer's problem?  Do you offer incentives and opportunities to upgrade?  Are you providing real value for your target market?

Listing your company mission and vision along with your features and benefits is not a marketing strategy.  Your customer is much more sophisticated than that.

Make your message clear and concise so it resonates with your customer.

Talk to us at (514) 996-3357 or email us at    so we can start a dialogue about your customer's needs,  how you can provide for those needs and how you can get your marketing message online.

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