Why I need online internet marketing
for my business.

Do I need online internet marketing for my business?  You need to be online because your customers are online looking for products and services you provide. The problem is this, if you don't show up when your customer is looking for you, they end up buying from your competition. 

Online internet marketing for my business and why I need it. Traditional marketing methods for local small businesses that used to work a few years have lost their effectiveness. Lets take a look at newspapers. Many of the daily papers are experiencing a large drop in readership. That is mainly because people are getting their news from online sources as it happens. Yesterday's news reported today is old news. Few people are interested. Certain industries like movie theatres no longer advertise in the newspaper. Their movie listings, trailers, times and coupons are all available online. Some daily newspapers have stopped printing on Sundays because the demand is no longer there.

The Yellow Pages used to be a necessity for any local business wanting to increase their credibility and attract new customers. Now when the yellow book is delivered to households in your neighbourhood, it ends up in the recycling box. People now look to the internet search engines like Google for their source of information. Here are some recent statistics about the internet.


  • 72% of the North American population uses the internet. (Kelsey Group) 
  • 25% of the world has access to the internet. (Kelsey Group) 
  • 74% of internet users perform local searches. (Kelsey Group) 
  • 61% of local searches result in a purchase. (TMP/Comsource) 

In the USA,

  • 40% of searches have local intent. 
  • Google has almost 64% of the internet search engine market. (Hitwise.com) 
  • Google has created 50 million free websites for local businesses in response to local search demand. 
  • Only 4 million of these sites have been claimed. 

 Your customers are online. Are you?

If you want to explore your options for getting online,

Call: (514) 996-3357

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