How do I get there?

How do I get more customers?

You may be asking yourself these questions. How do I get more customers

  • Do I need a website?  
  • Do I need to blog? 
  • Do I need a Facebook Fan Page? 
  • Do I need to Tweet? 
  • What about social media?

Before you worry about where you need to go, you need to take stock of where you have been.

  • What marketing equity have you built up? 
  • What has worked in the past? 
  •  What is not working now? 
  • Where is your competition? 
  • Who are your customers? 
  • Where are your customers? 


Once these questions have been answered, you can start to look at your options.

Call us at (514) 996-3357

to discuss some of these options.

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